Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Individual Value and Worth Pt. 2

Like a baby who cries for his or her mother, like a child who demands attention from those who are around, so our “adult” hearts crave knowledge that those around us consider us valuable. The question remains… Why? What broke in side of us that affirmation fixes? Where did this hole come from?

If we exist as simple products of natural accidence, the answer does not exist. Our program that drives our hearts, minds, and very lives requires that we receive confirmation of our worth. But the human heart, like a hopelessly tangled knot, cannot be fully known, not by our own selves much less by others. How can value be assigned to something unknown?

But programs require programmers; so to know the value of something, we must know the one who created it. As an artist creates and assigns a value to his painting, based on the time, materials and effort, so does God put value on us. Only the creator can know the true value. God formed us with his hands, breathed a conscious spirit into us, and put us in charge of ruling his kingdom on this earth as his created children. Then He looked and said, “It is very good.” But we chose and daily choose to be our own ruler, to find our own value. The problem comes from lack of stability. 

Money gains and loses value daily, sometimes a small shift, sometimes dramatic. The rules of culture, fashion and society change weekly, almost daily. Status achieved in one night disappears just as quickly the next. The moment you purchase a new product, it becomes outdated. A constant standard of worth does not exist in this natural world. It must come from outside it.

Human. The name chosen to represent all of us. In Truth, no one person exists below or above the rest. God views His creation as good, but lost. One of the bigger losses at the fall remains our identity. We scrap and fight to prove that our existence has meaning because of the things we have done, to others whom history will forget as fast as the rest of us.

Popularity, wealth, poverty, sickness, or any number of conditions that every person can experience remains meaningless. Yet, to live knowing where true value lies, to live a life devoted to the one that created us, there lies Truth. And only in Truth, is there meaning.

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