Sunday, January 1, 2012


Taking thoughts, emotions, ideas and putting them on paper requires a thorough think-through of what is true. Contained within our own mind, ideas get stuck and mired in personal belief looking things through one perspective. Placing these same thoughts out in public forces a person to really examine what they say.

The purpose of this blog is for me to put my thoughts out in the open. Seeing what I am thinking helps me process. Others seeing what I am thinking and commenting, gives me perspectives I can not attain on my own. For now I will update once per week, on Tuesdays, to process the things that I have been learning the past week. The name comes from the idea that started it. To really go to the places, sites, with-in myself and explore myself.

Thank you for joining me. Thank you for disagreeing with me or encouraging me and even just for reading.

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